Our stunning and one of a kind design can be seen all over the Chicagoland area, from South Bend to Bolingbrook. We service most high schools in Northwest Indiana and several in Illinois, as well as numerous travel baseball/softball teams, football leagues and sports organizations.
Here is a highlight of some of our services:
High School Team and Individual banners - Team Yard Signs - Championship Banners - Team and Individual Posters
Team Logo Design - Business Related Graphic Design - Realtor Design and Printing
Sports Facility Design and Printing - Personal Trainer Promo Materials - Business Cards
Pop Up Banner Displays and so much more...

The International Award Winning**

**Read about our International Recognition
CineMagic Sportsline designed the South Shore Air Show 2012 marketing poster and received first place at the international Council of Air Shows ceremony for best large show marketing poster.

2020 was a challenging year for all us, particularly youth sports. While we did have a few setbacks last year, for the most part we stayed extremely busy developing new products.
We understand that everybody has a different viewpoint on COVID-19. With that in mind we seek to respect every team when it comes to our photo shoots. If you have any special requests, please let us know. We cannot promise we can accommodate you but we will do our best.
We wear masks when appropriate, however our photographer will lower his as he uses his camera from well over 6ft away.

*CineMagic Sportsline were creators of the 2012 South Shore Air Show Event Poster which won the prestigious International Council of Airshows Best Marketing poster award. Read Article...